Sunday, February 22, 2004

I love my little
Space in the world
On days like this

On any other day
It is too small
Too cramped
Too cluttered
Too dusty
And too drafty

But today
The sun pours in
Through the blinds
Onto the shiny
Wood floors
Like white
Powdered sugar
Sifted and sprinkled
On top of a delicious treat

I want to spend my hours today
With a friend
A friend who brings out the courage in me
A friend who has
Lips and fingertips
Reminiscent of those
For which I traded my soul
Ten years ago

A friend who is always transparent
A friend who gets frustrated easily
But lets her ingenuity
And braveness shine through brilliantly
Always at the perfect moment

A friend who has high hopes
And lofty dreams
And isn't afraid to step out
And claim them as his
Who sees complete strangers
Alone and crying
And writes them love notes

A friend who knows the value
Of old hat boxes
And fifty year old prints
That remind her of childhood
And her mother
Making me just a little more thankful
That she is mine

A friend that makes me laugh
Out loud
And doesn't understand why
Whose giggle is uncontrollably
Who lets me protect her
And love her
Even when she doesn't feel lovable

It is days like today
With the delicious sunshine
Wafting into my little corner
That I love my space
And my friends
And my life

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